Sabado, Disyembre 31, 2011

Story Board ( update )

Slide/s content:

Slide 1
Title of the topic
Slide 2
Pictures of young one’s using computer
Slide 3
Introduction part 1
Slide 4
Introduction part   2
Slide 5
Examples of technology
Slide 6
SCL introduction part 1
Slide 7
SCL diagram
Slide 8
SCL introduction part2
Slide 9
The Traditional Classroom
Slide 10
Content of Traditional Classroom
Slide 11
Picture and traditional classroom
Slide 12
Conclusion of the traditional classroom
Slide 13
Sample worksheet
Slide 14
The SCL classroom
Slide 15
The SCL classroom content 1
Slide 16
Picture of John Dewey
Slide 17
SCL classroom content   2
Slide 18
SCL classroom content 3
Slide 19
Picture of computer classroom
Slide 20
- Additional Information and it's example part1
Slide 21
Additional Information and it's example part 2
Slide 22
Picture of students using computers in school
Slide 23
-  Information technology in support of child  centered learning                                                     Gutierrez, Janine T.
Educational Technology II by: Paz Lucido

Lunes, Disyembre 26, 2011

Reflection no. # 2

What is Educational Technology after 20 years

          We can see now the broad usage of technology in which the concept has been recognized worldwide by the people. The idea of inventing new gadgets, appliances, softwares and hardwares are natural for the reason of uplifting the education through inventing things that might affects us. Technology is eating us alive from our brain up to our body because we like technology as much as we could. Moreover, technology is the brother of education or should I say the twin brothers which cannot be separated because they can divert concepts and ideas on each other constantly. That is why 20 years are so much enough to see the unbelievable and amazing creations of humans. To see the vision of  future, tomorrow and the next are not blurry it is clear as river at the amazon island whereas changing to unlock the locked ones are now in our hands full of keys. The rapid growth and progressed of  technology lighten up our lives like we are made of LED's in different and peculiar colors of future. Imagination is unlimited that's why people enjoys thinking about how to think perhaps, the resolution of every condition are big enough to supply the lack of education in technology and innovation. In a split of a second the evolution is vicariously evolving as the the technology hints us to use them in our daily live, in learning, in searching answers and in hunting our goals that's why technology is a blessing not a curse from the future.

          20 years after, is a massive change for us in earth. My own vision of having great technology is distinct but descent, imagine we can have cars making a traffic in the sky with a gasoline station that renders water gasoline or a train above the water that can reach all the countries in a couple hours. What if we have protection against cancer and HIV's? can people be sexually clean or worst due to the protection? But the most important aftermath  is that the educational technology can improve learning without omitting the original knowledge. There will be projected computer each students that allow commands to operate and run the computer projector inside the classroom. USB extinction will be usual because micro chips are available to everyone. Surprisingly, teachers will still be the pioneer of everything in educational technology because they have a wide access and navigation in every educational sector and department every country. The thing that I most excited to see is the library section, in which books are still their but they'll be the voice sensor thing that you just need to say the title, author, volume etc. and the book will be emerging at the books channel part of the library.

       Creations can be good or bad, it is how we use them and see them as a tool in life. After that, the most vital feedback we can have in them is to be able to use them freely. We cannot stop, the unstoppable that  is the innate of our brains, the passion of creating and the art of imagining is our basic instinct. Educational technology will be our key to an effective learning environment no matter how the critics keeps on puffing the disadvantages of technology, it'll be the source of knowing  the knowledge. Education technology 20 years after, is cool and ranger diversion to be excited about. 


Miyerkules, Disyembre 14, 2011

How to dye Yo shirt

It's winter holiday this whole December up to February but it's still a few months away before the summer comes...!!!Wooosshh, I wonder if i make a summer theme shirt to contrast the winter holiday...Soo i will be doing the "T_SHIRT DYEING"

  1. OLD White T-shirt
  2. Rubberbands
  3. Salt
  4. Dyobos or dye (choose your color)
  5. Basin
  6. Hot water 
  7. Cold water            

  •  Grab the middle part of the shirt then, slide your hand to the bottom part of shirt.
  • To form a rectangular folded shirt.

  •  Get the rubber band to create a layer and tie it tightly, repeat the steps as many as you want.  

  •  This will be the result after tying the rubber band.

  •  Put the hot water in the basin and add the dye color.
  • Add the salt to strengthen the effect of dye on the shirt.
  • Stir it continuously until the dye dissolve. 

  •  Get the tied shirt.
  •   Sink it to the dyed water, roll the shirt until it all covered by the dye.
  • Remember not to soak the shirt.

  • This will be the exact result of a sunk  shirt.

  • Rinse the shirt using the cold water.

  • Great, Excellent!! i got my new summertime shirt..
-----Its easy to create new in something old..Besides i can sell it like a Monkey Honkey Business..Fashion doesn't stop whether its not the right season.. Tune in nxt time for more crazy ideas of JANINE....♥ 

Written Report # 12


Educational Technology II

Discussant: Gutierrez, Janine T.
Course, Yr. & Sec.: Bse-TLE, IIIA
Date: 12/15/11

1.  To consider and use the information technology in support of student-centered           learning.
2.  To utilizes information technology in support of student-centered learning wisely and effectively.
3.  To make use information technology in support of student-centered learning.

            The idea of student-centered learning is not a recent idea. In fact, as a early as the 20th century, educational educators such as John Dewey argued for a highly active and individualized pedagogical methods which place the student at the center of the teaching-learning process.

Information Technology in Support of Student-Centered Learning
            A teacher can expand his options to make himself more effective and relevant in the 21st millennium information of age. The trends in education are massively changing through the technology and discoveries. New theories are formed through what children needs. Perhaps, the latest trends that the world is using now are the technologies available in the market. These are the computers, LCD projectors, lasers, laptops, tablets and even soft ware’s internet access.

            In student-centered learning the main focus of teaching is to let the student to experience the learning. All of the activities should be in a reality scope for the students to visualize the learning content.
            It may be observed that classrooms are usually arranged with neat columns and rows of student chairs, while the teacher in front of the classroom or sits behind his desk.
·         Maintain Classroom Discipline
·         Controls classroom activities
Noticeably, however, after spending so many minutes in lesson presentation and class management, students can get restless and fidgety. To prevent this situation, make student’s worksheets individually to work on.

            John Dewy has described traditional language as a process in which the teacher pours information to student learner, much like pouring water from a jug into cups. This is based on the long accepted belief that the teacher must perform his role of teaching so that learning can occur.                                          

   Desiring to gain effectiveness, efficiency and economy in administration and instruction schools in these developed economies have also adopted the support of ICT’s. Their students have now become active not passive learners, who can interact with other learners, demonstrating independence and self-awareness in the learning process.

Generally the new school classroom environment is characterized by student individually or in groups:
·         Performing computer word processing for text or graph presentations.
·         Preparing power-point presentation.
·         Searching for information on the internet.
·         Brainstorming on ideas, problems and project plans.
·         As needed, the teacher facilitating instruction, also giving individualized instruction to serve individual needs.
1.    ICT-information and communication technology.
2.    SCL-student centered learning.
3.    IT-information technology.
4.    Brainstorming- is a group creativity technique by which a group tries to find a solution for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its members.
5.    Passive- lacking of energy or will.
            Given this new trend in teaching and learning, the comparison between the traditional and student-centered learning are still on the run. Results of learning in both approaches depend on the type of the situation surrounding the student’s environment. Moreover, the student-centered learning approach gives a good feedback nowadays due to its good results. The technology affects us in different aspects whether it is education or in life. Technologies give us more learning and knowledge to see the truth that the traditional never exposed.
            Students can learn on their own, can observe with their eyes and can react with their feelings. The discoveries and inventions help us or break us if we are not witty on using them. Right usage of technology in our learning and teaching will make a great work. As a future teacher, the creativity and silly imagination must be set in for our students learning; it is crucial to use but it will become more crucial if we will let it slip in our teaching approach.
__________1. What is SCL stands for?
__________ 2. Who introduced the SCL approach?
__________ 3. A kind of classroom where the teachers use to stands in front?
__________ 4. A classroom that uses ICT’s as a medium of instruction?
__________ 5. What is IT stands for?
Key to correction
1.    Student centered learning
2.    John Dewey
3.    Traditional Classroom
4.    SCL Classroom / Student-Centered Learning Classroom
5.    Information Technology
§  Educational Technology 2 by Paz Lucido, pp 76-79